RP2040 Advanced Breakout Fighting Board v5.6E con Cable de conexion
La placa RP2040 Advanced Breakout Fighting Board v5.6E es una pcb diseñada bajo Raspberry Pi Pico con un alto rendimiento y cuenta con soporte de varios sistemas. Compatible con multiples sistemas y consolas.
El diseño es similar a las pcb Brook por lo que es compatible con el Brook Fighting Board Cable, para una facil conexion.
Es compatible con PC, PS3 y PS4, Nintendo Switch, Steam Deck, MiSTer y Android.
Tambien es compatible con juegos de peleas en PS4/PS5 y Xbox Series utilizando un addons o adaptador como es el Brook FGC y MagicBoots 1.1 (No incluido)
•Select from 13 input modes including X-Input, Nintend Switch, PS4/5, Xbox One, D-Input, and Keyboard
•Input latency average of 0.76ms in Xinput and 0.91ms for Playstation 5.
•Multiple SOCD cleaning modes - Up Priority (a.k.a. Stickless), Neutral, and Second Input Priority.
•Left and Right stick emulation via D-pad inputs as well as dedicated toggle switches.
•Dual direction via D-pad + LS/RS.
•Reversed input via a button.
•Turbo and Turbo LED with selectable speed
•Per-button RGB LED support.
•PWM Player indicator LED support (XInput only).
•Multiple LED profiles support.
•Support for 128x64 monochrome I2C displays - SSD1306, SH1106, and SH1107 compatible.
•Custom startup splash screen and easy image upload via web configuration.
•Support for passive buzzer speaker (3v or 5v).
•Built-in, embedded web configuration - No download required!